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Adjustments to the epidemic prevention measures taking effect from August 15, 2023.

Dear residents,

As per the latest epidemic prevention guidelines announced by the Ministry of Education on August 1, the University is not required to set up the Epidemic Prevention Dorm from August 15, 2023.  

In line with this amendment, NCKU Epidemic Prevention Dorm will be closed from August 15, 2023.

Students who test positive for COVID-19 may stay in their current rooms when they follow the epidemic prevention guidelines.

If residents who test positive for COVID-19 still wish to conduct self-health management in a separate area, they can apply with the resident counselor of their dorm building.  

Housing Service Division reserves the right of approval. The arrangement will be included but is not limited to the applicant's current dorm building,

The contact information of resident counselors: https://housing-osa.ncku.edu.tw/p/412-1052-17024.php?Lang=en


Housing Service Division


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